Doula Support

We provide education and consultation throughout the childbearing season, assist you by sharing our knowledge and understanding of natural birth and its normal variations, and help you navigate any interference to the process. We consider birth a normal and natural life event that holds its own wisdom. We do our best to support you as you move through this challenging transformation.



Services are individualized to meet your needs. They include, but are not limited to:

  • regular visits from the time we first meet until 6 weeks postpartum

  • a visit with you with your care-provider

  • a home visit prenatally

  • postpartum visits in the home

  • close contact and availability as birth approaches and through the birth at home or in the hospital

  • hands-on support and access to many modalities for navigating labor, birth, breastfeeding and postpartum

  • referrals for services beyond our scope

Benefits and Advantages

Research tells us that women who have doula support experience:

  • 50% decrease in cesarean section

  • 25% decrease in the length of labor

  • 30% decrease in the use of forceps or vacuum

  • 40% decrease in the use of oxytocin/pitocin

  • 60% decrease in the use of epidurals

  • 30% decrease in the use of pain medications

  • Long term benefits including: improved breastfeeding, decreased postpartum depression and greater maternal satisfaction.

 A note on doulas and partners -

  • doula support enhances the relationship between a birthing person and their partner. 

  • doula support makes the partner’s job easier by making sure their needs are met; food, drinks, bathroom breaks, occasional back rubs, rest and the all-important reassurance. 

  • many partners have never been to or seen a birth, so having an experienced doula with them can give the partner more confidence to support the labor and experience the birth of their child and do what they do best…love the birthing person.

What is Support?

What is Support?

Support is unconditional. 

It is listening, not judging, not telling your own story.

Support is not offering advice.  It is offering a tissue, a touch, a hug…caring.


We are here to help families discover what they are feeling, not make the feelings go away.
We are here to listen…not work miracles.
We are here to help families identify their options…not tell them what options to choose.
We are here to discuss the steps with families…not take the steps for them.
We are here to help birthing people discover their own strength…not rescue them.
We are here to help birthing people discover they can help themselves…not take responsibility for them.
We are here to guide and strengthen the family birthing this baby - not step in between that union.